Archive for December, 2010

‘Butt Drag’ leads to sexual assault charges o_O

To be honest I always thought Greco Roman wrestling was a bit gay suspect. This does NOTHING to improve its image in my eyes…..


This looks a lot like fisting...

This shit leaves me with more questions then answers…like…way more. For instance did he have to pay extra to get fisted? So what happens after you dig your hand all in that mans ass?.. do you have to finish the match with the “dookie tips”? You know something went horribly wrong in a wrestling match when its over Elliot Stabler is standing there with rubber gloves and a rape kit.So you won the trophy and 3-5 at sing sing because you thought diggin in somebodies ass was a good idea. I don’t know whats worse… The fact that this is a legitimate wrestling move OR the fact that somebody is willing to risk contracting typhoid or E.Coli for the sake of winning a wrestling match. SOMEBODY’S priorities are fuuuuugged up.Where do you go from here now that you’ve been branded a fist fucking wrestling rapist? (try saying that 5 times fast) I guess you could always become a hand model on QVC or it seems you’re qualified to be Host on the FOX network.